Saturday, September 19, 2009

My Stolen Identity!!

For the people that know me you know I don't force poeple to like me or to hangout or really to do anything! Well a few years ago I was befriended by a person named Jessica Fletcher she truely was a friend. At least I thought she was! It started as a pitty friendship she told me her parents were yelling at her she said they fought all the time and put her in the middle. As anyone would remember my family in this small town I was in that situation several times so I felt the need to help by at least being her friend. I would go to the movies with her she told me that she just wanted to get away so I would go to give her company. Later as our friendship matured she told me I was her bestfriend and said she never met anyone she could talk to and understand what she was going through with her family. I felt I was helping her by explaining that she doesn't need to take that abuse no matter what the situation. When the problem with her home took a turn for the worse and there was literally nothing I could do I didn't want her to go through what I went through. And by my own mistake I co-signed for a cell phone for her protection, she was normal for a while, later her family told me she had a nervous break down, I at first didn't believe them. I found out later that it was all true she had a break down along time ago she had made up all the stuff about her family. This was a surprise to me but when I looked back I could see obvious signs that she was gone but I dismissed them as coincedence. I had co-signed for her cell phone and paid for it and the bill but she was suppose to pay for it as she went. I was out a lot of money a friend and co-worker. Later as time went on I had no iternet connection or access to it. I found out that this same girl had not only tried to access my online accounts but also she craeted e-mail adressess in my name and pretended to be me she even created a myspace acount in my name. If one of my closest friends had not of told me about this myspace page I would not have salvaged my name and identity. I recently found out that this same girl has done this to MANY people and her mother has as well. For every person that meets this girl I hope you don't end up like me I'm still paying off the cell phone debt and all the things she did in my name on the internet is still being repaired. She damaged my reputation and messed with my emotions as well as my small town life. I give you this warning BEWARE OF JESSICA FLETCHER!

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